Instrucciones (Instructions):
This is a short story in to help very beginners learn Spanish through fun and engaging content.
Look at the picture and read the story twice. The first time, don’t think too much about it, just try to get a general idea. The second time, you can stop and look up words. There is an English translation you can use. We recommend you to read it out loud and record yourself to practice pronunciation, then you can check it by comparing it to the youtube video. Finally, there are a few questions for you to evaluate your comprehension. Let’s go!
Palabras Clave (Key words):
- Tierno – cute / cuddly
- Esponjoso – fluffy
- Patas – paws / animal legs
- Leal – loyal
- Divertido – fun
- Pelaje – fur
- Mascota – pet
- Rizado – curly
Lectura (Reading):
Hoy vamos a describir un animal. Este animal es un pájaro. Tiene plumas de color gris, naranja y azul. Tiene dos ojos y un pico. Usa su pico para comer y para levantar cosas pequeñas. Tiene dos alas y dos patas. Usa sus alas para volar y sus patas para brincar y para posarse en las ramas o en los cables. También tiene una cola que le ayuda a volar. En primavera hace un nido con ramas y lodo para poner sus huevos. El pájaro alimenta y cuida a sus bebés. Cuando aprenden a volar ellos se van. Hay pájaros de todos los colores. Hay pájaros grandes como la guacamaya y hay pájaros pequeños como el colibrí. El pájaro es símbolo de belleza y libertad.
Traducción (Translation):
Today we are going to describe an animal. This animal is a bird. It has gray, orange and blue feathers. It has two eyes and a beak. It uses its beak to eat and to pick up small things. It has two wings and two legs. It uses its wings to fly and its legs to hop and to perch on branches or wires. It also has a tail to help it fly. In spring it makes a nest with branches and mud to lay its eggs. The bird feeds and cares for its babies. When they learn to fly they leave. There are birds of all colors. There are big birds like the macaw and there are small birds like the hummingbird. The bird is a symbol of beauty and freedom.
Preguntas (Questions):
1. ¿De qué color es este pájaro?
2. ¿Cuándo hace un nido?
3. ¿Qué pasa cuando los pájaros bebés aprenden a volar?a
Respuestas (Answers):
1. Es gris, naranja y azul.
2. En primavera
3. Ellos se van.
We hoped you liked this short story to learn Spanish for beginners. If you’d like to learn more about language acquisition you can join the 5 Day Spanish Challenge for free.