Instrucciones (Instructions):
This is a short story in to help very beginners learn Spanish through fun and engaging content.
Look at the picture and read the story twice. The first time, don’t think too much about it, just try to get a general idea. The second time, you can stop and look up words. There is an English translation you can use. We recommend you to read it out loud and record yourself to practice pronunciation, then you can check it by comparing it to the youtube video. Finally, there are a few questions for you to evaluate your comprehension. Let’s go!
Palabras Clave (Key words):
- Pareja – couple
- Banqueta – sidewalk
- Llevar puesto – to wear
- Abrigo – coat
- Bufanda – scarf
- Una bolsa – a purse
- Edificio – building
- Pared – wall
Foto de Lovro Pavličić en Unsplash
Lectura (Reading):
Esta foto, muestra a una pareja caminando por la banqueta. Ellos se toman de la mano. Parece que hace frío porque ellos llevan puestos unos abrigos y bufandas. La mujer lleva una bolsa en la mano derecha. El cielo está despejado.Delante de ellos hay un farol. Está apagado porque es de día. A la izquierda hay unos árboles muy grandes y verdes. A la derecha hay un edificio estilo europeo. En la calle hay un carro blanco. Hay graffiti en las paredes.
Traducción (Translation):
This picture shows a couple walking along the sidewalk. They are holding hands. It looks cold because they are wearing coats and scarves. The woman is holding a bag in her right hand. The sky is clear. In front of them is a lantern. It is off because it is daytime. To the left are some very large green trees. To the right is a European style building. On the street there is a white car. There is graffiti on the walls.
Preguntas (Questions):
1. ¿Cuántas personas hay caminando por la banqueta?
2. ¿Qué lleva la mujer en la mano derecha?
3. ¿Por qué están apagados los faroles?
Respuestas (Answers):
1. Dos personas.
2. Una bolsa.
3. Porque es de día.
We hoped you liked this short story to learn Spanish for beginners. If you’d like to learn more about language acquisition you can join the 5 Day Spanish Challenge for free.